Hello! I'm a freelance 2D concept artist specialising in background, environment paintings and illustration. I love painting both digitally and traditionally in oils - preferably with a cup of tea at hand. I'm always looking to improve my skills and really enjoy working en plein air - trying to capture the colour and light of a landscape and bring it to life on the page.
Currently available for freelance work & open for commissions. For job enquiries please get in touch via email:
Or you can find me on social media:
Experience & Education
2020 - Visual Development Artist & Background Painter. Pre-production: Ormhildur the Brave, Compass Films.
2019 - Environment and Light. Mentored course with John Burton
2016 - The Spark: Visual Development for Animation. Mentored course through the Oatley Academy - Instructed by Sarah Marino (Nickelodeon, Reel FX)
2016 - Painting Drama 1. Mentored course through the Oatley Academy focusing on composition - Instructed by Chris Oatley (Disney, Director of The Oatley Academy)
2009 - Master of Research: Art History - Plymouth University
2005-2008 - BA (Hons): Fine Art & Art History - Plymouth University